Tuesday, July 16, 2013

News Bites Others Should Read

These were just some quick bites from Bleeding Cool I felt were worth pointing out.  They are things that need to be understood or were amazing to see.

Bleeding Cool  has an article up about sexual harassment at Comic-Cons.  Definitely worth a read and should be noted repeatedly that this needs to stop.

They also have an article up about an upcoming 40th Anniversary for Red Sonja that's just an amazing feat and one I wish could be done for X-23's 10th as well, but maybe that's something to save for her 23rd anniversary anyway.

Apparently there's also rumors of an X-Force movie from coming from Bleeding Cool.  Potential announcements to be at SDCC alongside a larger slate of films.  Personally I'm still holding out mild hope this means an X-23 film too, and I hope the X-Force team they lean towards is the Yost/Kyle era roster, with maybe a few Uncanny X-Force additions.  There's a lot of directions they could take with these ideas.  After Days of Future Past and The Wolverine there are a lot of directions they could take and stories they could do.  This could potentially coincide with some of the rumors that Apocalypse will cameo in Days of Future Past.  Personally, I'm hoping for the Dark Angel story arc being turned to the films, but that'd mean a post-X-Men The Last Stand X-Men film to set it up as well as maybe tie-in films like X-23 and Deadpool finally.  We could also finally hear a formal announcement about the much talked about New Mutants movie they keep saying they want to make.

My gut tells me that there's something bigger brewing here though too.  There might be some pretty big announcements to keep your eyes on coming up.  This could be anything from an X-23: Daughter of Wolverine film as discussed here before, to a mentioned Gambit film centered around the thieves guild, to possibly even a COPS spin on the MRD done as a faux-reality show.  Personally I rather like that idea myself and it might give Fox something akin to Marvel's new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series for ABC but with a different kind of spin.

All around, it's looking like this year's SDCC is the con to be at.  Also be sure to check out The Wolverine when it's released on July 26th.  With all this kind of buzz surrounding X-Titles for movies, there probably is something key there in the after credits or before credits.

I'll try to keep you updated as I hear or find more information.

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