Friday, July 5, 2013

General: Whedon, X-23, and Other Odds & Ends.

Screen Rant has a piece up about Joss Whedon relating to his Avengers success and how he feels towards Warner Brothers turning him down on Wonder Woman a few years prior.  They've also got an article from a year ago about his open letter to fans about everything which is an amazing read too.

In all of this there's also a little bit of side talk all over it that seems to be more interesting.  To me at least.

And given that his interest in female superheroes of any kind, we’d be willing to bet that the director would simply like to see Wonder Woman done justice on film, no matter who ends up with the task of doing it.

It's a very true sentiment for many and the properties they love.  As much as I talk about X-23 and want to help work on a film for her, I'd be just as content knowing it's in good hands for the big screen so I could enjoy it.  That's also been my main real goal.  Seeing her film on the big screen done with justice to the origin tale.  I don't want to see her twisted into some kind of shell of what her character means to many just to shoe-horn her into places she doesn't belong.

That's not to say I won't quit trying to push my own ideas about it until that day happens though.  Granted after this Anniversary coming up there won't be much left to say about it.  I plan on covering every base about that I haven't spoken about yet.  A final series of pieces on the idea that shouldn't need to be changed anytime soon barring any unforeseen issues.

Considering it's looking more and more like The Wolverine is a film that'll be taking place mostly after the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, there are more tweaks an X-23 film would need to fit.  Mostly in the act 3 of the story where she faces off with Wolverine.  So I'm personally excited to see where The Wolverine takes this period of after the X-Men trilogy for how I could adapt X-23 to properly still fit within the timeline and yet also still prove true to the soul of her origin stories.

Of course I'm also a little bit giddy at the prospects there might be some other surprises in store with after that film, but I can't really count on something like that.  I'd rather just enjoy the film for what it is.  Anything else is just extra.

Also just a heads up though.  The first piece going forward in August will be an X-23 casting piece.  I've finally settled down on my personal choices for each role as well as a new overall direction such a piece should take.  I want to take it more in the direction of an awareness piece on various topics that should be discussed so that people can handle various topics better or have places to turn about them.

So the dates and ideas would have to be pushed back more so potentially, and even so, if studios would be willing to work together, there is a possibility of getting a film together still for her this anniversary as a surprise as unlikely as that is, or still the possibility of getting such a film to progress and be ready for the future.  Whether it's a release for the 11th anniversary, the 12th, or 13th, or 14th, or 15th anniversary or even the 20th.  The only real problem with an X-23 film as it stands right now, is the longer they wait, the more that would need to be recast later potentially.  The longer it goes it makes my reach into the younger generation choices over Summer Glau more plausible and that's problematic in many regards because Summer Glau is a major fan choice.  She may not be my personal choice, but I will concede that many fans do favor her from her roles in Firefly, her guest appearance in Chuck, Sarah Connor Chronicles, and similar.  Though I do not think her choice would make the film successful for general audiences, on a lower budget it may appease just those select fans and could still help them reach a fitting marketing date instead of throwing one away.  My concern is still on the problem of handling though.  Hollywood has a tendency to blame the property over the mistakes of choices used.

Some may complain about my choices, and that's fine.  I do tend to lean heavily on Disney, but let's face it.  Disney rocks!  They've helped introduce kids to genres that will make them grow into being young geeks and readers, even future comic book writers themselves!  They've helped inspire forming minds to worlds of magic, angels, rambunctious puppets, and even the world of super heroics through bionics.  Many of their stars are the powerful women and men of tomorrow that geeks will look to or turn to for inspiration.

Nickelodeon did a little show called Space Cases that tried to give kids a Star Trek like show but different.  An original spin on the premise Star Trek had pioneered.  Many adults of the time laughed and scoffed at that idea.  The idea was unique, and many of us who were kids back then did enjoy it greatly.  You know who else was in it though?  Jewel Staite of later on Firefly and Stargate Atlantis fame.  A woman who many today consider a landmark powerful onscreen woman and geek actress. Yet she started out as a child star that did the same TV shows that by today's standards the "geek elite" laugh at and mock.  She's even played Amy Pond in an episode of Supernatural called The Girl Next Door.  A role that helped pay homage to Doctor Who as well as help monitor what looks like an experiment on fan reactions to story telling techniques. (As what can only be surmised from the negative reviews of that episode with complaints that are already addressed within it.  Reading these reviews it really does make me wonder if the reviewer and I were watching two different shows entirely.)

So the next time you scoff at a child actor, a writer, or their origins.
Remember, many of the stars you praise today started somewhere else too.
Many of the powerful icons of movies and TV all had to come from somewhere.  Even Joss Whedon himself wrote episodes of Roseanne long before he reached the Avengers.  Even some Marvel writers started out as reviewers and commentators on the internet.  Sometimes it's heartbreaking to see how others forget that and bemoan what's different, but the joke will always be on them because of that.  Life is ever-evolving.  Intelligence or talent will always find a way to shine.  No matter who tries to hold it down, it will eventually always find a way to succeed.  Bullies and ignorance don't win in this world anymore.  Sharks have to keep swimming or they'll drown.  This applies to the real world too because if those sharks/bullies don't keep moving, if they don't start adapting to be better, a different kind of apex predator will catch up to them for all they've done eventually. It's just how nature works.

Geeks need to pick and choose their battles wisely.  There are some that need to be fought and won that revoke rights, privacy, and how we consume media, but there are those battles that make their ignorance, arrogance, and how much of a bully they actually are shine instead.  Learn and know the lines.  Otherwise you're just another voice that should be ignored for adding noise to an already complicated world.  You aren't helping anyone, you're hindering it.  If you don't understand, learn to be courteous and ask.  If you want to play games, you will be met with the same.  When you poke someone hard enough, they will bleed.  So don't poke lions.  They may humor you at first, but someday they may eat you if you keep it up.  Everyone only has so much patience.  Even the Doctor can run out of forgiveness.  Even Jesus taught learn to walk away from those that would do nothing but harm unto you.  You can forgive and turn the other cheek but that doesn't mean you have to forget & let them do it to you again.

While that goes for nerds, companies face the same issues.  Learn to keep your employees in check, or they can ruin it for you too.  If they are tied to a company in a big way, whether they like it or not, they speak on behalf of that company.  Being playful is one thing and can be endearing or fun.  Being a bully is not and makes it harder for others to want to bother supporting such endeavors by people that would employ such monsters.  Be a Moffat.

Steven Moffat has fun and humor with how he relates and talks to fans.  He does so with kindness, courteousness, and also makes them ponder on about the properties they love.  He gives them tidbits to think about and helps keep fan interest alive.  (*Self-Censored*  See previous entry about Marvel Editor bullies, it states it well enough without being insulting and hopefully gets the point across enough for why it's a concern.)

Be beneficial, not a hindrance and you will go far.  Don't let yourself be taken advantage of either, but know if you are, those that do it will eventually implode from their actions because of their own lack of character.  Know when to walk away from them so they don't try and take you down with them when they are revealed for what they are.

Whether you like here or not doesn't matter to me(though I'm not sure why you're reading here if you don't, that just seems odd by itself).  I will stand up to bullies and I will stand up to those that ignore the lines. (*Self-Censored* again for other reasons.)   I've stood up against it throughout my scholastic career no matter from who, and I'll still do it as an adult.  I only have one real exception to that, and I would think that person above it.

During the Anniversary, there will be a piece or two that goes more in-depth on this topic.
This also does not mean you have to accept things like Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey.  In fact the best negative reviews on those properties go into detail exactly why they are dangerous. These reviews support their arguments sometimes to comedic extremes that match the sheer outlandishness of what those properties present.

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